2014 Corruption Perception Index

CPI 2014 Corruption Perception Index Report

The contents included in this post are related to the 2014 Corruption Perception Index Report survey results (scores) per country based on the study done by Transparency International in Berlin, Germany.

This CPI report is the 20th edition showing the scores for China (36 out of 100), Turkey (45) and Angola (19) as among the biggest fallers with a drop of 4 or 5 points.

This year, only 175 countries were studied compared with last year’s 177 countries. Denmark is on top with a score of 92 out of 100, while North Korea and Somalia shared the last places with a score of 8.

The top ten countries with the highest transparency, include: Denmark, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Singapore, Netherlands, Luxemburg and Canada.

South Korea ranks 43 with a total score of 55 – the same as last year’s score. The score implies that there’s nothing much done against corruption activities in the public sector level. There was a general anticipation that South Korea’s score (and ranking) would be much lower than last year due to the rampant corruption issues that surfaced during the year.

One of the major corruption issues that surfaced is related to the Sewol Ferry disaster that killed around 300 passengers, including young students. Many critics said, as proven by the investigation results, that the sunken ferry was due to the corrupt practice that include the responsible government offices and officials and private companies officials.

The ferry disaster is just one of the examples showing the high level of corruption that involves public officials, business heads, and individuals with high status and power in the society. What is deplorable is that most of these corrupt and powerful people are hard to be prosecuted and they are easily pardoned after a few years of imprisonment. The reason for pardoning them is the belief that they help drive forward economic development (e.g. http://koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/biz/2014/09/602_165294.html)

Find more details through the attached document herewith. CPI 2014_GLOBAL with data source scores

Also, you can find Map and country results of CPI 2014 Corruption Perception Index Report here: CPI2014_map and country results