anti-corruption conference

Anti-Corruption Conference

Anti-Corruption Conference

Conference on Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Measures
In Relation to the Use of the European Structural and Investment Funds

Date: 2013 12 03, Brussels

The conference is co-organized by the European Commission and Transparency International. It aims to highlight “anti-fraud and anti-corruption measures in relation to the use of the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds.” (Introduction)

The Conference’s objective is to promote and showcase tools and measures that could identify, mitigate and prevent various faces of fraud and corruption in relation to the use of ESI funds.

The Anti-Corruption Conference is divided into four working thematic groups to tackle various sorts of issues. Each working group deals with the following topic/themes:

  •  How to manage fraud risks,
  •  Data-mining tools for fraud prevention and detection,
  •  Why conflicts of interests in procurement matter and how to tackle them, and
  •  Integrity Pacts: bringing managing authorities and civil society together to tackle corruption.

Working Group A: How to manage fraud risks
1. Present the Commission’s guidance on how to identify and assess fraud risks on the one hand and how to put in place effective proportionate anti-fraud measures…
2. Present participants with an opportunity to share and exchange experience and good practices on fraud risk management.

Working Group B: Data-mining tools for fraud prevention and detection
The working group presents the data mining tool ARACHNE and the experience of Portugal (one Member State) in using it.

Working Group C: Why conflicts of interests in procurement matter and how to tackle them
The group tackles the theme by focusing on the conflict of interests in public procurement and addressing this issue through three main areas: definition of conflict of interest situations, actions and tools addressing conflict of interests, and fraud indicators, checks and controls.

Working Group D: Integrity Pacts: bringing managing authorities and civil society together to tackle corruption
The working group deals with a tool that could help prevent corruption in public contracting called “Integrity Pact”. Integrity Pact is essentially an agreement between a government agency and a company (ies) bidding for a contract. Part of the pact is a monitoring system that includes experts from independent groups or by civil society groups.

More information can be found at EU’s website:

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