TI Korea Youth Campaigns

TIKorea 2020 Strategy Survey

TIKorea 2020 Strategy Survey

Chapter Name and Country: Transparency International Korea Chapter
Contact: Han-Beom You, ED
Format of the Strategy consultation used: online survey

Conducting TIKorea 2020 Strategy Survey

TI Korea did a survey (using SurveyMonkey online tool) among its supporters, members, partners, board members, youth, volunteers and friends regarding the questions raised. To make the questions more specific, we thought that picking some keywords that have been studied and included in TI’s 2015 Strategic Priorities, namely: People, Institutions, Laws, Values, Network and Impact.

Surveymonkey results: people (74%), values (72%), institutions (49%), laws ((43%), network (37%), impact (34%)

When asked which direction or how should TI 2020 Strategy be like, most respondents agree on “similar direction as TI 2015 Strategy” (44%) while others agree on “half similar direction and half new direction” (39%).

The following four questions are based on the TI Strategy 2020 – Chapter Consultation.

1. What is the one change you would most like the TI Movement to achieve by 2020?
“People” is one of the things that TI Korea believes to be the most important aspect that TI movement should achieve five years from now. It means that “people”, in solidarity with all its partners worldwide, will be more empowered in fighting against corruption.

2. What role for the national chapter do you see in making that change come about?
The change that TI Korea sees to achieve this is through some top areas of keywords: integrity/ethics education and training, awareness/knowledge about corruption, anti-corruption policy advocacy, collaboration/solidarity and additional membership of the movement.

Integrity and ethics education are seen as relevant for youth and adults to develop better understanding and perceptions of various corruption issues in order to fight against corruption. Given that ethics education is already in existence, many responses emphasized strengthening and encouraging creativity, especially among youth.

Deeper knowledge and awareness on corruption should be strengthened through: introduction of students about TI Korea’s activities, promotion of human rights, greater CSR for global companies, improved integrity perceptions among citizens and the media; getting to know more figures and groups as models of anti-corruption both local and international for greater public awareness.

Anti-corruption Policy advocacy: policies to strengthen anti-corruption education; establish stronger international law and systems against corruption; and creation of laws that monitor judiciary corruption.

Solidarity/collaboration: strengthen collaborative relationship among TI chapters; get more international support; enhance public interest through international activities; actively participate in various anti-corruption related activities.

Membership: additional membership; research team and network for change; selecting human resources for the movement

3. What should the TI movement do to make the TI Strategy 2020 effective?
The respondents answered with the following major categories: campaigns (promotion and publicity), education, networking/solidarity, and activities.

Campaigns mean promoting TI activities, enhancing positive exposure of the movement’s achievements, increasing public awareness and more publicity targeting the general population.

Education entails that there should be more values programmes and education related to social change. Education also means good networking, integrity education for youth and future generation’s anti-corruption education programmes.

Networking and solidarity among Chapters and other anti-corruption groups is seen as very relevant. There should be mutual support, development of activities, enhance information sharing, solidarity with projects development and data sharing among chapters.

Particular activities that the movement should implement are also strongly suggested, such as promoting TI activities, pushing for fair implementation of laws, pooling together talents and human resources, making the media an issue fighter, identifying the causes of corruption and prescribing best solutions. In addition, each chapter should propose activities, programs, projects, etc.

4. What should the TI movement do to make the TI Strategy 2020 relevant in the work of your chapter?

The answers of the respondents can be categorized into the following key words: assistance, support and resources; building a culture of integrity; establishing AC system, and specific activities.

Assistance/support (including various resources) means chapters need assistance and support from experts; tools and methodologies, capacity building and fund-raising expertise, financial assistance for joint projects/programmes, information and sharing of active data, human resource and financial support.

TI movement can help build an integrity of culture in Korea through integrity education (including the young children), people-centered and culture changing activities, youth integrity education, systematic ongoing training and education, information exchange, learning through visitation (countries, agencies, institutions, etc.) regarding global corruption issues, and nationwide social awareness education.

Establishing an effective anti-corruption system is seen as most relevant by respondents. This anti-corruption system can only be effective if it is supported by governments, if there is systematic education against corruption (including presentation of national best practices), and if governments welcome anti-corruption policies through solidarity with international movements. In addition, this system needs monitoring networks and committees (governmental), and deeper research programs on anti-corruption issues.

TI movement can help with or provide Chapters the following: convincing data on the effects of corruption, attract international media, urge the society and government agencies to support anti-corruption activities, find model cases and exchange of experiences, build nationwide network and diplomatic pressure.

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